Hackerman's Hacking Tutorials

The knowledge of anything, since all things have causes, is not acquired or complete unless it is known by its causes. - Avicenna

Cheat Sheet

Feb 24, 2016 - 34 minute read - Cheatsheet

You will find those commands and tips that I need from time to time (and usually forget when I need them). This is a page to complement my clone at parsiya.io and gives me a simple repository of how-tos I can access online. Look at the table of contents below or ctrl+f and search for keywords.


Insert XKCD 1168, hur dur!

Compress a Directory Using tar

tar -zcvf target_tar.tar.gz directory_to_be_compressed

Decompress a tar.gz file

tar -zxvf target_tar.tar.gz -C path/to/decompress/


Dump The TLS Certificate of a Domain with OpenSSL

echo | openssl s_client -connect HOST:PORT 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -text -noout

TLS Connection with a Specific Ciphersuite with OpenSSL

openssl s_client -connect HOST:PORT -cipher cipher-name -brief

  • -brief: reduced output
  • cipher-name: A cipher from output of openssl ciphers command


How to Use s3deploy

I have switched to s3deploy from s3cmd: https://github.com/bep/s3deploy.

Create a file named .s3deploy.yaml (note the period) in the root of website. I have:

    - route: "^.+\\.(js|css|svg|ttf|eot|woff|woff2)$"
      #  cache static assets for 20 years
         Cache-Control: "max-age=630720000, no-transform, public"
      gzip: true
    - route: "^.+\\.(png|jpg)$"
         Cache-Control: "max-age=630720000, no-transform, public"
      gzip: true
    - route: "^.+\\.(html|xml|json|js)$"
      gzip: true

The file is self-explanatory. Don't set gzip for txt files, it will break your keybase proof.

Then run (change the region if needed):

s3deploy -source=public/ -region=us-east-1 -bucket=[bucketname]

To pass your AWS key and secret, you can either set them in an environment variable or in this file:

c:/Users/[your user]/.aws/credentials

Like this:


Sync a Directory with an Amazon S3 bucket with s3cmd

These might be updated because I do not use s3cmd anymore.

python s3cmd sync --acl-public --delete-removed --rr directory-to-sync/ s3://bucket-name

E.g., uploading the Hugo generated public directory to my website:\ python s3cmd sync --acl-public --delete-removed --rr public/ s3://parsiya.net

  • --acl-public: Anyone can only read.
  • --delete-removed: Delete objects with no corresponding local files.

Change the MIME-Type of the CSS file After Upload to Fix CSS not Displaying Correctly

python s3cmd --acl-public --no-preserve --mime-type="text/css" put public/css/hugo-octopress.css s3://parsiya.net/css/hugo-octopress.css

My runme.bat to upload my Hugo blog to the S3 bucket
rd /q /s public
rd /q /s public\post
del /s /a .\*thumbs*.db
del /s /a public\categories\*index*.xml
del /s /a public\tags\*index*.xml
python s3cmd sync --acl-public --cf-invalidate --delete-removed -MP --no-preserve --rr public/ s3://parsiya.net
python s3cmd --acl-public --no-preserve --cf-invalidate --add-header="Expires: Sat, 20 Nov 2286 19:00:00 GMT" --mime-type="text/css" put public/css/hugo-octopress.css s3://parsiya.net/css/hugo-octopress.css
rd /q /s public

Set the Website Index to a Non-Root file in a Static Website on S3

When setting up a static website in an S3 bucket, you need to specify an index and an error page. The index cannot be in a subdirectory but the error page can. Set the index to a non-existent file (e.g. whatever.crap) and set the error page to the actual index page. The browser will be redirected to the error page:

If you are relying on error pages, this will mess with your site because every error will be redirected to the index. Another way is to set a meta redirect in the index file in the root directory and redirect to that page.

Use AWS CLI Without Credentials

Use --no-sign-request. E.g., to list all items in a world-readable bucket:

  • aws s3 ls s3://bucket-name --no-sign-request --recursive


Shortcut to IE (or WinINET) Proxy Settings

control inetcpl.cpl,,4


where.exe searches for files. If no location is passed it searches in the local directory and then in PATH.

  • /R searches recursively in a specific location.
  • /T displays file size.
  • /? for help.

Delete File or Directory with a Path or Name Longer than the Windows Limit

mkdir empty_dir
robocopy empty_dir the_dir_to_delete /s /mir
rmdir empty_dir
rmdir the_dir_to_delete

Exit Status 3221225781

TL;DR: exit status 3221225781 on Windows means a DLL is missing. In this case, diff.exe was missing libintl3.dll and it made gorename stop working. Get and install it from:

The Actual Problem:\ gorename stopped working and I got the following error in the VS Code console:

Rename failed: gorename: computing diff: exit status 3221225781 gorename:
    computing diff: exit status 3221225781 gorename: failed to rewrite 2 files 

Searching for 3221225781 sent me to Rust language issue 42744 which means a DLL is missing. Run where diff to find out where it is and it was in \Go\bin\diff.exe. Running diff.exe manually got this prompt.

The code execution cannot proceed because libintl3.dll was not found.
Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

Go to http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages.html and click on Setup in front of DiffUtils. It will download a package which contains the utils and two DLLs: libintl3.dll and libiconv2.dll. Copy all of them to where the original diff.exe was and it should work.

Map a Drive to a Specific Directory

This is useful when you want to refer to a specific directory as a drive.

  • subst X: C:\path\to\source\code

Two problems:

  1. This is not persistent. To make it persistent, use the solutions here.
  2. It cannot be shared with docker. E.g., The drive is not shared when trying to share a directory with source code with docker for VS Code docker development.

We could use net use as follows but it does not show up in Docker's settings > Shared Drives, either.

  • net use W: \\localhost\$c\path\to\source\code

To share a drive, create a VHD mount and share it instead.

Create a VHD and mount it:

Automount it at startup:

Prevent Monitors from Going to Sleep after Locking the Computer

After locking the computer the monitor might go to sleep. To disable:

  1. Open the following registry key:
  2. Look at the value Attributes and change it from 0x00000001 to 0x00000002.
  3. Open the Control Panel (control.exe) and go to Power Options.
  4. Click Change plan settings in front of the selected power plan.
  5. Click Change advanced power settings.
  6. Now under Display there should be a new item: Console lock display off timeout.
  7. Change this to whatever you want.

Convert a plist File to XML on Windows

plutil -convert xmlfile.xml com.apple.springboard.plist where:

Oneliner to Find Unquoted Service Paths

wmic service get displayname,pathname|findstr /IV "C:\Windows"|findstr /IV """

Unquoted service paths are usually not exploitable. See my No, You Are Not Getting a CVE for That.

Run Chromium Browsers with a Proxy

Chromium uses the WinINET proxy settings. Instead of redirecting everything to the browser, we can set the proxy using the command line (also works for Chrome/Edge and other browsers built on Chromium but not Electron):

  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --proxy-server="http://localhost:8080"

The following does the same but falls back to direct connect if the proxy is not available. Don't use this because you will not know if the fall back happens:

  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --proxy-server="http://localhost:8080,direct://"

Microphone does not Work in Discord

You might have enabled the privacy settings in Windows 10.

  1. Settings.
  2. Search for Privacy.
  3. Microphone privacy settings.
  4. Allow apps to access your Microphone.
  5. Enable for Win32WebViewHost.
  6. ???
  7. Yell at your raid group DPS for standing in fire.

Extract MSI Files

Use the built-in msiexec tool.

  • msiexec /a c:\path\to\file.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\absolute\path\to\extract\directory
  • Path to the msi file (the first path) can be relative. The second one must be absolute and does not accept / as path separator.
  • The target directory must exist.
  • If the path to the target directory (the second path) is not absolute, we will get this error: Could not access network location 'xxx'.

Disable Autofocus for Microsoft Lifecam Cinema

If the "Microsoft Lifecam Cinema" webcam constantly autofocuses on Windows 10.

  1. Open the Windows camera app.
    1. If the camera is already in-use (e.g., videoconferencing tool) turn it off in the other app.
  2. Click the middle icon from the three icons to the left.
  3. Drag the slider to make it manual focus.

You can also try in Skype which is where the old utility is accessible.

  1. Open Skype.
  2. Click on settings (gear to the right).
  3. Select "Video Device" in the left side bar.
  4. Select the "Microsoft LifeCam Cinema."
  5. Click on "Camera Settings" (this will open the old utility that went away).
  6. Click on the "Camera Control" tab and remove the "Auto" checkbox in front of focus.
  • These are connected so if you have the camera app open and change the focus in Skype you can see the change immediately.
  • The setting is lost after restart. Just opening the Camera app does the job.

Install WinDbg as the Post-Mortem Debugger

  1. Install WinDbg as part of the Windows 10 SDK.
    1. NYou do not need most of the stuff that the SDK installs. You will only need to install Debugging Tools for Windows.
  2. Open an admin cmd and navigate to the following dir:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\
  3. Go into each of the x64 and x86 directories and run the following command:
    • windbg -I
  4. You should get a prompt that says WinDbg has been installed as the default post-mortem debugger.

Remove WinDbg as the Post-Mortem Debugger

Delete some registry keys.

  • 64-bit version
    1. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug.
    2. Remove the Debugger key.
  • 32-bit version
    1. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug.
    2. Remove the Debugger key.

Open a Network Monitor cap File in Wireshark and Save is Disabled

This happens in two instances:

  1. Not fixable: If the NetMon capture file contains IEEE 802.11 plus Network Monitor radio header encapsulated packets instead of Per packet encapsulated packets.
    • Seems like this happens outside of VMs when we are capturing traffic for a wireless network interface.
  2. Fix below: If you save the display filter in the capture file. The filter will be first packet in the resulting cap file and that's what causes this issue.
    • Do not check the Record display filter in capture file when saving the file in Netmon.

If you already have a file with the display filter you can remove it.

  1. Use the netmon_filter in Wireshark. You will most likely see one packet. It's the first packet and its ID is 1.
  2. Close it and use editcap to remove it.
    • C:\Program Files\Wireshark>editcap -F netmon2 C:\path\to\netmon.cap C:\path\to\modified.cap 1
  3. Open modified.cap in Wireshark and save it as pcap.

Keyboard Shortcut to Run Applications Elevated

For example, running notepad as admin.

  1. Open the start menu. E.g., Windows key.
  2. Type notepad, now notepad is selected.
  3. Alternatively, open the Run dialog with Windows+R and enter notepad.
  4. Press ctrl+shift+enter.
  5. UAC pops up.

This also works if you select a shortcut and press ctrl+shift+enter.

Firewall Rules in the Registry

If you cannot delete firewall rules in the GUI, delete their corresponding rule in the registry (user rules are represented by a GUID). Also helps with reading the rules because the rule text might not say which executable is targeted:


  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules


Install Packages on Windows from the Command Line (Needs Admin)

To install telnet client in an admin command prompt:

pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

Uninstall IE 11 from Windows 7 (and Install an Older Version)

  1. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and features.
  2. Select Installed Updated.
  3. Look for Internet Explorer 11.
  4. Right click and uninstall.
  5. Download older version of IE (e.g. IE 9) for Windows 7 and install it.

Read Scheduled Task's DACL

Find the task name in the PathToTask registry key and use it in the command:

$PathToTask = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\[replace with task]"
$SDBin =  ( (get-itemProperty $PathToTask).sd )

ConvertFrom-SddlString ([wmiclass]"Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper").BinarySDToSDDL($SDBin).SDDL

Find Users Under the HKEY_USERS Registry Hive

HKEY_LOCAL_USER is a subset of HKEY_USERS for the current user. Under HKEY_USERS we see a bunch of directories. To figure out the users for these directories we need to see them in the following location:

  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\

For example, I have HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2868049494-289672223-1164028246-1001 in a VM. So I go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-2868049494-289672223-1164028246-1001 and look under the ProfileImagePath key to see which user it is.

Find The Open Handle to a File or Resource

  1. Open Resource Monitor.
  2. CPU tab.
  3. Associated Handles section > enter the name of the file/resource in the search field. Look at the source for a screenshot.
  4. Kill the process using t he handle.


Add "Edit" to the Context Menu for Images in Windows 11

  1. Run regedit.
  2. Go to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell.
  3. Create a key named edit.
  4. Create a key named command inside edit.
  5. Modify the value of the (Default) value in edit and change it to:
    1. "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\mspaint.exe" "%1"

Unfortunately, "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\mspaint.exe" "%1" doesn't work here.

Source: https://superuser.com/a/1707163


See current distributions and their version: wsl -l -v.

Set the default version to 2 for all new distributions: wsl --set-default-version 2

Convert a distro (e.g., Ubuntu-18.04) to version 2: wsl --set-version Ubuntu-18.04 2

Moving to WSL2 will prevent your machine from talking to the internet with some VPN software and if you are connected to the VPN. WSL2 uses Hyper-V. Hyper-V VMs usually do not have network connectivity on VPN.

File locations:

  • %LocalAppData%/packages/{full-distro-name}/LocalState where full-distro-name is:
    • Ubuntu 18: CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu18.04onWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc
    • Debian: TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_76v4gfsz19hv4

Access WSL2 Files

In WSL1, a file in the distro is a separate file on disk. In WSL2 we have a ext4.vhdx file. WSL 2 uses a fully managed VM. Hence, why WSL1 has better performance on Windows files.

Individual files on WSL2 are at \\wsl$\{distro} where distro comes from wsl -l -v. E.g., Debian.

Import and Export

If working with Debian.

# run all on Windows

# stop the distro
$ wsl --terminate Debian

# export 
wsl --export Debian C:/path/to/debian.tar

Now, we can import it as another distro. We can have multiple instances of the same distro:

wsl --import NewDebian C:/path/to/newdebian/ C:/path/to/debian.tar

Note: If you import a distro like this, the ext4.vhdx file will be in C:/path/to/newdebian/ and not in %LocalAppData%/packages/{full-distro-name}/LocalState.

We can also import the file in place.

wsl --import-in-place NewDebian C:/path/to/debian.tar

Use WSL Distributions without the Microsoft Store

First we need to download a distribution. Use the instructions in the link below to get a distro.appx file.

Install the package (more details in the previous link):

  1. Add-AppxPackage .\distro.appx.
  2. Then double-click distro.appx to start. This is important.

We can also get the file system as a file to use with --import. This appx files are just zip. We can easily extract them.

  1. Rename it to zip (instructions are in PowerShell):
    1. Rename-Item .\distro.appx .\distro.zip
  2. Extract the archive:
    1. Expand-Archive .\distro.zip .\distro

Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-on-server#install-wsl-on-previous-versions-of-windows-server

Now inside we have a bunch of appx files. E.g., the two big ones for Ubuntu 20.04 are Ubuntu_2004.2021.825.0_ARM64.appx and Ubuntu_2004.2021.825.0_x64.appx

Inside ubuntu2024.appx Inside ubuntu2024.appx

We can rename and extract the x64 file as we've seen before. Inside, we will see install.tar.gz.

install.tar.gz inside Ubuntu.._X64.appx install.tar.gz inside Ubuntu.._X64.appx

Unfortunately, wsl --import needs a tar file of the filesystem and doesn't accept tgz. We have to decompress this file. You would think the tar utility would have such an option, but it doesn't. It can extract the whole thing.

We could use an external utlity like gunzip, gzip, 7-zip, or some random PowerShell script. Considering tar is included in Windows, the path of least resistance is extracting everything and putting it back together. That is a good chunk of extra read/writes.

tar -zxvf install.tar.gz -C install
tar -cvf ubuntu2024.tar install/
# delete install
rm install # assuming we're in PowerShell

Now we can use wsl --import.

wsl --import NewUbuntu c:/path/to/VMs/ ubuntu2024.tar

You can import it in place if you don't want to make a copy.

wsl --import-in-place NewUbuntu ubuntu2024.tar

Hugo Server doesn't see File Notifications Events in WSL2

Solution: Move the files to the Linux filesystem from Windows.

More info: https://parsiya.io/random/wsl2-hugo-watch/

Docker in WSL2

  1. Start with https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/wsl/
  2. Install Docker Desktop for Windows.
  3. Settings (gear icon) > Use the WSL2 based engine (was checked by default for me).
  4. Settings > Resources (side bar) > Enable integration with additional distros and select any other distro.
  5. sudo usermod -aG docker $USER.
  6. ???
  7. Logout and login.


List All Files (Including Hidden Files)

Get-ChildItem "searchterm" -recurse -force -path c:\ | select-object FullName

  • -recurse: recursive. Loops through all directories
  • -force: list hidden files.
  • select-object: Selects each file from last point
  • FullName: Only display file name

Diff in PowerShell

Compare-Object (Get-Content new1.txt) (Get-Content new2.txt) | Format-List >> Diff-Output

Output will be in format of

  • InputObject: c:\users\username\somefile -- line content
  • SideIndicator: => -- exists in new2.txt (second file, file to the right)

Pseudo-grep in PowerShell

Alternatively, use ripgrep like rg -i 'whatever'.

In PowerShell:

findstr "something" *.txt will include filename and line (no number AFAIK).

findstr /spin /c:"keyword" *.*

  • /s: recursive - will search through the current directory and all sub-directories.
  • /p: skip binary files (or files with characters that cannot be printed).
  • /i: case-insensitive - remove if you want case sensitive search.
  • /n: print line number.

If you want to search for different keywords (with OR) remove the /c:

findstr /spin "keyword1 keyword2" *.*

will search for keyword1 OR keyword2 in files

grep in Command Results

whatever.exe | Select-String -pattern "admin"

Get-Acl and icacls.exe

Get-Acl -path c:\windows\whatever.exe | Format-List

icacls.exe c:\windows\whatever.exe

time in PowerShell

Measure-Command {python whatever.py}

VHD File is Open in System (and Cannot be Deleted)

You clicked on a VHD file and now cannot delete it. Use this PowerShell command to dismount it. The path to the VHD should be absolute.

Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath 'C:\full\path\to\whatever.vhd'

Base64 Encode and Decode without PowerShell

Use certutil for bootleg base64 encoding/decoding:

  • certutil -encode whatever.exe whatever.base64
  • certutil -decode whetever.base64 whatever.exe

Load a Managed DLL from PowerShell

Zip a Directory with PowerShell

  • Compress-Archive -Path C:\path\to\folder\ -DestinationPath c:\path\to\destination\archive

Note the destination file will be archive.zip but we don't need to provide the extension in the command.


Switching from VirtualBox for Hyper-V had its own set of tradeoffs.

Cannot Create Virtual Switch

When creating a Virtual Switch in Hyper-V you get an error along the lines of "failed adding ports to the switch" and "a parameter passed was invalid."

  1. Open an admin command prompt and run netcfg -d.
  2. Restart the host machine.

Cloning VMs in Hyper-V

You cannot clone VMs in Hyper-V like VirtualBox. Create a copy of the vhd(x) hard disk and use it in a new VM. Yes, it's as manual as it sounds.

The Guest Has No Internet

The internet recommends creating an external virtual switch but it did not work for me. I deleted the external switch and used the default switch and it somehow worked so try doing that.

This also happens if you are using an active VPN connection on the host.

Higher Resolution For Debian/Ubuntu Guest in Hyper-V

Seems like the highest resolution is 1080p.

  1. sudo nano /etc/default/grub.
  2. Change the line with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to
    • GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash video=hyperv_fb:1920x1080"
  3. sudo update-grub.
  4. Restart the VM.

Creating an Ubuntu VM in Hyper-V

Most important item, do not select log in automatically during setup. Otherwise, xRDP will fail silently.

Windows DNS Cache is not Getting Populated in Hyper-V Guest

In a default Hyper-V guest networking setup the local DNS resolver cache is empty.

  • Symptom: ipconfig /displaydns prints nothing.
  • Solution: Modify the DNS server for the network adapter and manually add a DNS server like or


Restart Clipboard Functionality in VirtualBox After Guest Resume

Sometimes disabling and enabling the clipboard in VirtualBox menu works.

Or in the Windows guest:

  1. Kill VBoxTray.exe in task manager.
  2. Start VBoxTray.exe again.

Change the Hardware UUID of Cloned Windows VMs to Avoid Windows Reactivation

You cloned a Windows VirtualBox VM and now you have to activate it again. This script changes the hardware UUID of the cloned machine to the old one. No reactivation needed.

$ORIGVirtualMachineName="Windows 10 - Base"   # Old VM name as it appears in VirtualBox
$clonedVirtualMachineName="Win10Clone"        # New VM name
$vboxDir="c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox" # Directory containing VBoxManage
cd $vboxDir
$uid=$($($(.\VBoxManage.exe showvminfo $ORIGVirtualMachineName|select-string "Hardware UUID:").ToString()).Split())[4]
.\VBoxManage modifyvm $clonedVirtualMachineName --hardwareuuid $uid

Increase VM Disk Size

The default modern.ie VMs come with a 40GB vmdk hard drive and I want to resize them to 100GB (because videogames are huge). VirtualBox cannot resize it. We can clone it to vdi, resize it and convert it back to vdmk.

VBoxManage is at c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox (default installation).

  1. Convert vmdk hard disk to vdi:
    • VBoxManage clonemedium "MSEdge - Win10.vmdk" "MSEdge - Win10.vdi" --format vdi
  2. Resize vdi.
    • VBoxManage modifymedium "MSEdge - Win10.vdi" --resize 102400
  3. Convert vdi back to vdmk (I usually just keep it as vdi).
    • VBoxManage clonemedium "MSEdge - Win10.vdi" "MSEdge - Win10-resized.vdi" --format vmdk
  4. Extend the original partition in guest with Disk Management (Windows).
    1. Run diskmgmt.msc.
    2. Click on the existing partition and select Extend.
    3. Use the wizard and add the new empty space to the origin partition.
  5. Delete unused vdi or vmdk files.
  6. ???
  7. Enjoy 100 GBs of space. Well, 83GB on a default Win10 x64 install.


I know a total of 5-6 git commands.

Create New Branch and Merge

This works with small branches (e.g. one fix or so). Adapted from a Bitbucket tutorial.

  1. Create a new branch and checkout - git checkout -b fix-whatever\ This will create a branch of your current one so make sure you are creating a branch from the branch you want. This is the same as git branch whatever and git checkout whatever.

  2. Make changes and commit - git add - git commit\ Make any changes you want to do, then stage and commit.

  3. Push the branch to the remote repo [optional] - git push\ This can be safely done because it's an obscure branch and no one else cares about it.

  4. Switch to the original branch to merge - git checkout master\ The branch from step one.

  5. Merge the branches - git merge fix-whatever.\ Alternatively, squash all commits into one git merge --squash fix-whatever and then git commit -m "One message for all commits in merge".

  6. Delete the branch - git branch -d fix-whatever\ We don't need it anymore. If it was pushed to remote, then we need to delete it there too.

Only Clone a Certain Branch

git clone -b <branch> <repo>

Clone and Populate Submodules

git clone --recurse-submodules <repo>

Undo Remote git History after Push

Because this keeps happening to me.

  1. Reset the head in local repo N commits back. - git reset HEAD~N\ Where N is the number of commits that you want to revert.

  2. Make changes and stage them - git add

  3. Commit the changes - git commit

  4. Force push the local repo to remote - git push -f\ Note: This will force the update and erase the commit history online. I only do it for my solo repositories.

Sync a Fork with the Original Repository

You have forked a repository a while ago. You want to sync the new changes.

  1. Add the original repository as upstream.
    1. git remote add upstream git@github.com:original-user/original-repo.git
    2. git remote add upstream https://github.com/original-user/original-repo/
    3. Check with git remote -v
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. Merge the upstream/main branch into the local main branch:
    1. git merge upstream/main

Use Notepad++ as git Editor on Windows via Cygwin

Create a file called npp with the following content and copy it to cygwin\bin. Modify the path of notepad++ to point to your installation.

'C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin "$(cygpath -w "$*")"

Run the following command in Cygwin to set it as the global git editor:

git config --global core.editor npp

Change Remote for an Existing Git Repository

For example, moving repository from Bitbucket to GitHub or back.

git remote set-url origin git@github.com:parsiya/repository.git

List All Authors in a Git Repository

I wanted to see if I was still showing up as root in old commits.

git shortlog -s | cut -c8-

Rewrite Author for Older Commits

parsiya.net had commits as root from when I was using it offline. I wanted to change everything to my own username.

  1. If you want to start at root - git rebase -i --root
  2. If you want to start from commit AAAA - git rebase -i AAAA
  3. Change pick to edit for every commit with the old author and save. Rebase starts and pauses at every commit with edit.
  4. Change the author: \ git commit --amend --author="Author Name <email@address.com>"
  5. Continue the rebase - git rebase --continue
  6. Rinse and repeat.

Remove Uncommitted Files from Staging

You have added files with git add but have not committed them and want to remove some (not all) instead of git reset.

git reset HEAD -- file/directory

Make git Case Sensitive (with a Catch)

In a case-insensitive file system (Windows, Mac), git is case-insensitive by default. So if you rename Bob.jpg to bob.jpg after it has already been pushed, git doesn't change it because from a file-system perspective it's the same file (although Windows shows the filename in lowercase).

To make git case sensitive on such an OS (Windows, OSX):

git config core.ignorecase false

NOTE: This introduces its own problems. Let's assume you have already committed Bob.jpg and make git be case-sensitive. You rename it to bob.jpg and push it. In the remote repo you will have two files Bob.jpg and bob.jpg.

The answer is to rename Bob.jpg to something else like Bob-1.jpg, push and then rename it back to bob.jpg.

Exclude a Committed File with gitignore

.gitignore only works on new git adds. If we have already pushed blah/whatever.cpp to the repo, adding whatever.cpp to .gitignore does nothing.

Do this first and then gitignore will work (not using --cached will remove the file completely from the filesystem):

Note: Also overwrite history if the file had secrets/sensitive info.

Sign git Commits

This is for GitHub, but should work for everywhere.

  1. Generate a new ed25519 SSH key. You can reuse the one used for connection.
    1. ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[github-username]@users.noreply.github.com"
  2. Upload it to your Git server. For GitHub, go to https://github.com/settings/ssh/new.
    1. Key type: Signing key.
    2. Paste the public key. It should be in ~/.ssh/whatever.pub.
  3. Set the signing format to SSH.
    1. git config --global gpg.format ssh
  4. Tell git to use the local public key:
    1. git config --global user.signingkey ~/.ssh/whatever.pub
  5. Tell git to sign every commit:
    1. git config --global commit.gpgsign true

Visual Studio Code

My current (as of June 2019) editor of choice. Settings are at https://parsiya.io/categories/configs/vscode/.

Associate an Extension with a Specific Language

This allows us to have specific language highlighting for custom extensions. Add the following to settings.json:

    "files.associations": {
        "*.whatever": "cpp",
        "*.generics": "go"  // lol

Install a Specific Version of an Extension

This also disables auto-update for that extension so you can keep an older version of an extension.

  1. Open the extensions tab.
  2. Right-click on the extension.
  3. Select Install Another Version....
  4. Select the version.
  5. The extension will not auto-update.

couldn't start client gopls unsupported URI scheme

VS Code needs to open a workspace. Open the parent directory to the project.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/g6l6y9/couldnt_start_client_gopls_unsupported_uri_scheme/

Sublime Text 3

Tips for using the Sublime Text 3 editor. I don't use Sublime Text anymore although I bought it. This section is probably outdated.

Fix "MarGo build failed" for GoSublime on Windows

GoSublime's executable has Go version in it. In most cases, it cannot grab the version on Windows and the build will fail like this:

MarGo: MarGo build failed
cmd: `['C:\\Go\\bin\\go.exe', 'build', '-tags', '', '-v', '-o', 
       'gosublime.margo_r17.12.17-1_go?.exe', 'gosublime/cmd/margo']`

Where ? is the Go version that is unknown.

Edit this file:

  • %AppData%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\GoSublime\gosubl\sh.py

Find these lines:

cmd = ShellCommand('go run sh-bootstrap.go')
cmd.wd = gs.dist_path('gosubl')
cr = cmd.run()
raw_ver = ''
ver = ''     # Change this to '1'

Edit ver to whatever, I usually do 1. Restart Sublime Text and MarGo will build.

This must to be done for every new GoSublime version.

Open the Same File in a New Tab

File > New view into File. Then drag the pane to a second screen/location.


Quality of Life Tips and Tricks for Burp

Selected Text in Burp is Black

Usually happens in Virtual Box.

Burp 3D rendering issue

Two options:

  1. Disable 3D rendering in Virtual Box. Not recommended.
  2. Run Burp with 3D disabled (make a shortcut): \
    java.exe "-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false" -jar burp.jar
  • The complete command for the default install on Windows is:
    "C:\Program Files\BurpSuiteCommunity\jre\bin\java.exe"
      -jar "C:\Program Files\BurpSuiteCommunity\burpsuite_community.jar"

Source - credit to floyd:

Using iptables to Proxy Android Apps with Burp

Technically this should work with any proxy.

  1. Add Burp's CA certificate to the device.
  2. If there's certificate pinning, bypass it.
  3. Enable invisible proxying for the target listener.
  4. Root the device, iptables needs root.

For example, we want to redirect all traffic to 443 and 80 to Burp's listener at This is the default IP address of a Windows machine if the mobile hotspot network is enabled:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j MASQUERADE


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.

Python Module Installed with pip but Command is not Available

They are installed in ~/.local/bin. Add it to your $PATH.

Add a User to sudoers on Debian

  1. su -: If you do su alone, you might not find usermod in your path.
    • "Starting su with the option " -" gives you the full path root would have when logging in to the system after startup. So directories like /usr/sbin, /sbin or /opt/kde/bin become part of roots path variable after doing su and will be searched for commands." source
  2. usermod -aG sudo user-name
  3. Restart (or logoff and login?).


Only search in files with specific extensions. E.g., only md/markdown.

grep -ir "whatever" --include\*.md --include \*.markdown



  • Images:
    • All images: docker images
    • Delete image(s): docker rmi img1 img2
      • By name: docker rmi whatever/blah
      • By ID: docker rmi f20d
    • Build image from file:
      • docker build . -f file -t whatever/blah
      • DockerFile it does not need to be mentioned. docker build -t whatever/blah
      • docker image should display the image now.
  • Containers:
    • All running containers: docker container ls -a - docker ps -a
    • Only show running containers: docker ps
    • Stop one container: docker stop d194 3f4a
    • Stop all containers:
      • PowerShell: docker ps -a -q | ForEach { docker stop $_ }
      • Bash: docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
    • Delete container(s): docker container rm d194 3f4a
    • Run a container from an image:
      • docker run -it whatever/blah [command] where command is usually /bin/bash.
      • --rm to delete the container after it exits. This is useful when testing.
  • centOS specific:
    • centOS cmd for DockerFile: CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"]
    • Create and run a centOS container: docker run -it whatever/blah sh


  • Error starting userland proxy: mkdir ... : input/output error.
    • Restart docker. On Windows, right click the docker tray icon and select Restart....


These were written when I used Python 2, some might not work with newer versions.

Create All Possible Combinations of Two Lists of Strings

from itertools import product

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    set1 = ["https://example.net", "https://google.com"]
    set2 = ["/whatever", "/something"]
for e1, e2 in product(set1, set2):

Multi-line String

Note the space on second line.

string1 = "This is line one of the string that is going to be over 80"
          " characters and thus needs to be broken into two or more lines."


Because I always forget.

def main():
    # whatever

if __name__ == "__main__":

Format String with

"{}*{} = {}".format(x, y, x*y)


With Python 3, it's not that useful but still:

Cyclic XOR on bytearrays

import itertools

def xor_byte(payload, key):
    Get a bytearray, XOR it with a key (bytearray) and repeat the key
    Return bytearray
    return bytearray((mybyte ^ keybyte) for (mybyte, keybyte) in
                     itertools.izip(payload, itertools.cycle(key)))

Cyclic XOR on Strings

Same as above but string

import itertools

def xor_str(payload, key):
    Get a string, XOR it with a key (string) and repeat the key
    Return string
    return "".join(chr(ord(mybyte) ^ ord(keybyte)) for (mybyte, keybyte) in
                   itertools.izip(payload, itertools.cycle(key)))

Python One-Liners in Command Line

You can run Python one-liners from command line using python-c "command". Separate command with ; and use ' for strings. Remember that you need to import things too.

For example a one-liner to encode something in base64:

python -c "from base64 import b64encode; print b64encode('HelloHello');"


# Decrypt from AES (you need pyCrypto)
python -c "from Crypto.Cipher import AES; aes = AES.new(KEY, AES.MODE_ECB); print aes.decrypt(CIPHERTEXT));"


Enable Log4j for a Java App

This usually happens when I am testing a Java app and it uses log4j but logging is not enabled.

Create a file named log4j.properties by the main jar file and put the following in it. Add -Dlog4j.debug to the app's command line parameters.

The app might already have the command to log but is just missing the file. Use procmon to see which paths are searched to find this file. The Result is NAME NOT FOUND filter is your friend.

log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout, R


# Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number.
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n


# Keep one backup file

log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n


Find the Version of Angular on a Website with DevTools

Run in the console getAllAngularRootElements()[0].attributes["ng-version"];.


Download Youtube Videos with Subtitles with youtube-dl

I love Wuxia (Chinese martial arts if I am not mistaken) series and movies. The following youtube-dl command will download the 56 episode HQ quality Chinese TV series called Xiao Ao Jiang Hu or Laughing in the Wind (also called The Smiling Proud Wanderer or Swordsman).

youtube-dl --ignore-errors --write-srt --sub-lang en --yes-playlist 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuGy72vdo4_ScwTYb1bAynhBs3KgowvvQ'

--ignore-errors: continue after errors
--write-srt    : download substitles
--sub-lang     : subtitle language (in this case English)
--yes-playlist : link to a Youtube playlist

Youtube-dl can be downloaded using pip. For example on Windows:\ python -m pip install youtube-dl.

It's also possible to download binaries from https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/releases.

Sometimes, you need to pass --no-check-certificate to bypass certificate errors.

Download Different Qualities with youtube-dl

youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKYIde5jh_8 will show use a list of resolutions. The first column will be the format code which is a number.

$ youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKYIde5jh_8
format code  extension  resolution note
249          webm       audio only tiny   48k # note removed for most lines
247          webm       1280x720   720p  361k
136          mp4        1280x720   720p  482k
18           mp4        640x360    360p  282k
22           mp4        1280x720   720p  611k , avc1.64001F, 30fps, mp4a.40.2 (44100Hz) (best)

Then, we can download that format code (or best):

  • 247: youtube-dl -f 247 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKYIde5jh_8
  • 22 or best: youtube-dl -f best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKYIde5jh_8

I gave away the DW2280 printer when I moved to Canada but I am keeping the instructions just in case. Before printing, get to printer physically and use the following instructions:

  1. Open the back.
  2. Press the two green handles down.
    1. Don't need to do this for the DCP-7030 printer.
  3. Open manual feed in front.
  4. Adjust the paper guide and put the envelope in.
  5. Envelope orientation:
    1. The side that will be printed should be up.
    2. The opening slot should be to the left.
  6. Insert it until the printer says Please Wait and grabs the paper.
addressee side should be up
opening is to the left and under

this side goes into the printer
        |x               |
under   | x              |
 <------+- x             |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |   x            |
        |  x             |
        | x              |
        |x               |

Now open LibreOffice and use these instructions:

  1. Create new document in LibreOffice Writer (Word).
  2. Insert > Envelope.
  3. Enter destination in Addressee.
  4. Check Sender and enter your own address in the bottom textbox.
  5. Select Printer tab.
  6. Select printer and press Setup.
  7. Select the Brother printer and press Properties.
  8. Click on the Advanced button.
    1. Paper Size: Com-10 or Envelope #10.
    2. Click OK and go back to properties.
  9. Select the Paper/Quality (tab)
    1. Media Type: Envelope.
    2. Paper Source > First Page: Manual.
  10. Press the Insert button.
  11. Save the document and print. Note the envelope orientation above.

Tab Size 4 in the GitHub Web Interface

Add ?ts=4 to end of the file URL.


To split a file with ffmpeg. Let's say we want to grab the first 200 seconds of a file starting from second 100.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -strict -2 -ss 100 -t 200 output.mp4

I also use it to reduce the file size of my video proof-of-concepts:

  1. Record the video with OBS Studio. The output file is video.mkv.
  2. Use OBS Studio to remux the video File (menu) > Remux Recordings to get video.mp4.
  3. Use ffmpeg to reduce the file size:
    1. ffmpeg -strict -2 -ss 0 video-processed.mp4 -i video.mp4.

I still need to experiment with different codecs to figure out which one is best but this method reduces the file size dramatically without a noticeable change in quality.

Wrap Long Lines in Page Source in Firefox

Easier method: In the View Source page, right-click and select Wrap Long Lines, or:

  1. about:config
  2. Set view_source.wrap_long_lines to true.

Wireshark Not Equal Filter

  • Right: !tcp.port == 8080
  • Wrong: tcp.port != 8080

Source: https://thetechl33t.com/2015/06/01/wireshark-not-equal-to-filter/

Copy Ebooks to iPad with Calibre

I use an old iPad Mini for reading ebooks. The default way of copying them from Calibre doesn't work because the iOS version is so old that the Calibre Companion app doesn't support it.

Using the web content server and going to http://your-pc-ip:8080 also doesn't work because the Safari version so old that it doesn't support some of the new JavaScript functions. None of the modern browsers also support that iOS version.

Solution: http://your-pc-ip:8080/mobile is the non-JS version and works. I have to click each book separately and open it in iBooks, but better than nothing.


Regex to Search for URLs in Burp Responses

Not the best regex but does the job:

  • http([^"])*\.([^"])+

Better but more expensive regex:



Bash Function to Change to a Directory and Open it in VS Code

I store all my dev work in ~/dev. Added this function to ~/.profile along with cd dev. Then just after opening a session, I can do zz [directory] to start working on it. Also supports autocomplete in directory name.

# bash function to navigate to a directory and open it in code.
function zz() {
    cd $1
    code .
    return 0

# go to dev
cd dev

Who is this guy? Go Notes

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