In the two previous parts, we learned about Jython Swing. Those blogs take a lot of time to write. I think each of them took around 10 hours. I do not want to spend that kind of time but I still want to document what I have learned.
In this blog I will write tips and tricks with a small code snippet instead of creating a complete extension.
Did I tell you I release Bug Diaries, it's a Python Burp extension that aims to bring Burp issues to the community version. It's pretty neat.
- Swing in Python Burp Extensions - Part 1
- Swing in Python Burp Extensions - Part 2 - NetBeans and TableModels
See Error Messages in Spawned Frames/Dialogs
When creating new JFrames or JDialogs, you might not get the crash or error message in Burp. I am not sure why, probably has something to do with either Swing threads (swing is not thread safe) or because stdout/stderr is not defined.
For example, I would create a new dialog/frame and spawning it would not do anything or print any error messages to console. It was pretty hard to figure out what had gone wrong.
For example, in Java:
public void display() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Solution: Put the .setVisible(True)
statement (or other statements) in
(Python) and try/catch
Save and Load Extension Configuration
You can save extension specific configuration items in Burp and later load them
for reuse. You can use it to persist extension options between Burp sessions. We
can use two IBurpExtenderCallbacks
For example, to save the last used directory:
# get the last used directory from extension settings.
# it might not exist so we are doing it in a try block.
lastDir = callbacks.loadExtensionSetting("lastuseddir")
# open a dialog at "lastDir".
# assume newDir is the directory the last opened file.
# save the last used directory
callbacks.saveExtensionSetting("lastuseddir", newDir)
Create a Context Menu
Step 1: BurpExtener should inherit IContextMenuFactory
IContextMenuFactory is the interface to create a context menu.
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IContextMenuFactory):
Step 2: Register the Context Menu
Use registerContextMenuFactory inside
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, ITab, IContextMenuFactory):
def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
# ...
Step 3: Implement the IContextMenuFactory Interface
Create the createMenuItems
method inside the BurpExtender
class. It is
called when the context menu is selected in Burp.
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IContextMenuFactory):
def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
# ...
def createMenuItems(self, invocation):
# do something
Step 4: Create The Menu Items
Inside createMenuItems
, make one or more menu items of type
JMenuItem. Add them to a java.util.ArrayList.
Return the ArrayList.
def createMenuItems(self, invocation):
from javax.swing import JMenuItem
menuItem1 = JMenuItem("Label for menu item 1")
menuItem2 = JMenuItem("Label for menu item 2")
# add action listeners to menuitems (see below)
from java.util import ArrayList
menuArray = ArrayList()
return menuArray
Step 5: Configure Item Click ActionListeners
These are the actions that are executed after clicking each menu item. It can be done in two ways:
Method 1: Directly assign a method to the actionPerformed
field of
JMenuItem. The method takes one parameter which is an event
of type
This has the disadvantage of not having direct access to the invocation
on it later), but it's simple and quick.
- Note 1: Directly assigning to
is not possible in Java. - Note 2: This can be done with other Swing elements in Jython. For example, a
button's action can be assigned:
btn1 = JButton("Button Label", actionPerformed=buttonAction)
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IContextMenuFactory): def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks): # ... def actionMenu1(self, event): # do something when menu item 1 is clicked jitem = event.getSource() def createMenuItems(self, invocation): from javax.swing import JMenuItem menuItem1 = JMenuItem("Label for menu item 1", actionPerformed=actionMenu1) menuItem2 = JMenuItem("Label for menu item 2") # add action listeners to menuitems (see below) from java.util import ArrayList menuArray = ArrayList() menuArray.add(menuItem1) menuArray.add(menuItem2) return menuArray
The most useful method inside the function is event.getSource()
getSource returns the Swing element that was the source of the
event. In this case, we get the menu item that was clicked.
Method 2: Create a class that inherits
java.awt.event.ActionListener. Inside the class we put the
action inside an actionPerformed
method similar to the above.
Then we add this class with addActionListener
to the menu item.
This method has the advantage of being able to get the invocation
through a
constructor. See this example:
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, ITab, IContextMenuFactory):
# ...
def createMenuItems(self, invocation):
"""Called when a context menu is invoked in Burp."""
from javax.swing import JMenuItem
menuItem1 = JMenuItem("Label for menu item 1")
menuItem2 = JMenuItem("Label for menu item 2")
# create an instance of the custom ActionListener and pass the
# invocation as a parameter to the constructor
contextMenuListener = ContextMenuListener(invocation)
# add the instance as an actionlistener
from java.util import ArrayList
menuArray = ArrayList()
return menuArray
# this class is defined before BurpExtender but showing it before helps
class ContextMenuListener(ActionListener):
"""ActionListener for the Burp context menu."""
def __init__(self, invocation):
# storing the invocation
self.invocation = invocation
def actionPerformed(self, event):
"""Invoked when the context menu item is selected."""
# now we can use both the event and the invocation
Step 6: Invocation
The invocation is of type IContextMenuInvocation and contains a lot of useful methods for figuring out what was clicked and getting information.
returns abyte
that can be used to figure out the menu item was clicked in which Burp context. For example,CONTEXT_PROXY_HISTORY
. See all of them at burp.IContextMenuInvocation enums.getSelectedMessages()
is useful for getting the message(s) that were selected when the item was clicked. This useful when the extension wants to do something with the message(s). For example, sending them to a different tab.- Note: This method returns an array of IHttpRequestResponse.
def actionPerformed(self, event): """Invoked when the context menu item is selected.""" # now we can use both the event and the invocation requestResponses = self.invocation.getSelectedMessages() for reqResp in requestResponses: request = reqResp.getRequest() # note: not every message has a response response = reqResp.getResponse() # host = reqResp.getHttpService().getHost() # do somethings with these
- Note: This method returns an array of IHttpRequestResponse.
returns the tool flag. For example,TOOL_PROXY
.- See all of them at burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks enums.
JTextArea Sizing
JTextArea by default does not have word wrap and can take over all of the GUI if it gets too big.
textArea = JTextArea("some initial text")
# set to readonly
textArea.editable = False
# textArea.setEditable(false) in Java
# enable linewrap
# set linewrap to word
To enable scrollbars and have a fixed size textarea, put it in a JScrollPane.
js = JScrollPane(textArea)
"GroupLayout can only be used with one container at a time" Error
When spawning a new JFrame or JPanel, I would get an error. Before putting the
error in a try/catch
block, it would not spawn. After that I would get this
error "GroupLayout can only be used with one container at a time."
When using classes that had inherited JFrames or JPanels, it would work but when I would assign it to a field. And this would mostly happen in Java.
Solution: GroupLayout
should be assigned to the frame or panel's "content
pane." Content pane is the layer that holds all the objects together.
// Inside the class
private JFrame frm;
// Inside initializeComponent() [which is called by the constructor]
frm = new JFrame();
// Later when assigning the GroupLayout
GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(this.frm.getContentPane());
The following code compiles but will result in the "GroupLayout can only be used ..." error.
GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(this.frm);
- Create it:
callbacks.createMessageEditor([controller], [editable True/False])
- Add it to the form with
:jTabbedPane1.addTab("Request", panelRequest.getComponent());
- Set the message
self.panelRequest.setMessage([message in a byte array], [True if request, False if response])
- docs:
Context Menu in IMessageEditor
To make this happen, you need to create an
IMessageEditorController and assign it to the
during creation.
class MyController(IMessageEditorController):
# needs to implement three methods
def getHttpService():
# ...
def getRequest():
# ...
def getResponse():
# ...
# ...
# creating the IMessageEditor in gui
callbacks.createMessageEditor(MyController, [editable True/False])
Now you can the context menu in your IMessageEditors. E.g., Send to Repeater
Creating this interface is straightforward in simple extensions. For a good
example, see the Custom Logger
extension from Portswigger:
In this case, the extension implements this interface. The extension stores the
selected IHttpRequestResponse
in the log and returns its fields in these
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, ITab, IHttpListener, IMessageEditorController, AbstractTableModel):
# ...
# implement IMessageEditorController
# this allows our request/response viewers to obtain details about the messages being displayed
def getHttpService(self):
return self._currentlyDisplayedItem.getHttpService()
def getRequest(self):
return self._currentlyDisplayedItem.getRequest()
def getResponse(self):
return self._currentlyDisplayedItem.getResponse()
# inside registerExtenderCallbacks
def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
# ...
# tabs with request/response viewers
tabs = JTabbedPane()
self._requestViewer = callbacks.createMessageEditor(self, False)
self._responseViewer = callbacks.createMessageEditor(self, False)
Select the Current Text When Control is Selected
When tabbing between controls that have text (e.g., JTextField, JTextArea), we
want the current selection. This allows us to replace the default text with new
items without having to select it manually. This is done with setting the
selection start index to 0
- In Python:
textField.selectionstart = 0
- In Java:
Print to Console
Normal print statements do the job in the main thread. print
in Python and
in Java. But when I was printing in other Swing components
(e.g., a spawned JFrame), it did not work.
callbacks.getStdout() returns a
which is a pain to print too.
Instead use callbacks.printOutput and
callbacks.printError. Create functions like this and
use them using callbacks
* Prints the String s to standard output.
* @param s The String to be printed.
public static void printOutput(String s) {
* Prints the String s to standard error.
* @param s The String to be printed.
public static void printError(String s) {
Equivalent of Jython toString() is __repr()__ in Python
When creating a class, you might want to create a toString()
method. The
equivalent of it in Python is not __str()__
but instead __repr()__
Adding Objects to a JComboBox
It's done with JComboBox.addItem(). To decide what is
displayed in the combobox for each item, the class needs to have toString()
method in Java and __repr()__
in Python
For example, if we want to add objects from the Issue
class to the combobox
and display the issue name.
class Issue():
# fields
def __repr__(self):
# later they are added to the combobox
cBox = JComboBox()
for issue in issues:
Assign Fields to a Python Object
Python stores an object field in a dictionary. Let's say you have a dictionary of items and you want to assign them as fields of an object:
d = {"name": "name1", "path": ""}
obj1 = SomeClass()
keeps any existing attributes that are not in the new dictionary. To
overwrite those, assign it like this obj1.__dict__ = d
Converting an Object with Object Fields to JSON
do not work on objects that have other objects as fields. It
works if the object only has primitive types.
class Obj1():
# field # string # string
def toJSON():
return json.dumps(self.__dict, indent=2)
But if Obj1
has another class as a field. We get an error that the field is
not serializable. We add a customJSON
method to Obj1
and other classes that
are fields. This method returns the fields as a dictionary.
class Obj():
# field # string # string
self.child # type Obj2
def customJSON(self):
return dict(
name =,
host =,
child = self.child
class Obj2():
# fields # string
# ...
def customJSON(self):
return dict(
name =
# ...
Next, we create an encoder of type json.JSONEncoder
class ComplexEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if hasattr(obj,'customJSON'):
return obj.customJSON()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
This encoder checks if the class has a method called customJSON
, if so, it
will use it to return a dictionary. Otherwise, it will use the normal encoder.
We can convert an array of Obj
to JSON:
def objsToJSON(self):
from ComplexEncoder import ComplexEncoder
return json.dumps([obj.customJSON() for obj in objects],
cls=ComplexEncoder, indent=2)