In April 2019, I had just joined Electronic Arts and I wanted
to make a Burp extension. I saw only tutorials on creating a GUI in Jython.
Looks like everyone is either using Java or handcrafted Jython Swing GUIs. I
mostly learned it by reading the source of extensions and found this tutorial by
Jake Miller A.K.A. Laconic Wolf:
Search for Onto the code: to get to the part with Swing.
This training by Doyensec is good but not for what I wanted
to learn (GUI design). As I mentioned in the tweets, the Python GUI is just
modified from a NetBeans generated GUI:
This is something I want to explore later. But to be able to translate the code
and do modifications, I needed to figure out how things work internally.
In my blog post
Cryptography in Python Burp Extensions,
I started using Jython classes in my Burp extensions and realized I can do the
same with Swing (which is what everyone does).
I am documenting what I learned first for my future-self and then for everyone
else who wants to take the same path.
This tutorial assumes you know:
How to search.
When in doubt, search for Java and Jython Swing tutorials.
To add a tab to Burp, we need to extend and implement the
ITab interface.
# implement ITab# two methods must be implemented.defgetTabCaption(self):
"""Burp uses this method to obtain the caption that should appear on the
custom tab when it is displayed. Returns a string with the tab name.
"""return"Example Tab"defgetUiComponent(self):
"""Burp uses this method to obtain the component that should be used as
the contents of the custom tab when it is displayed.
Returns a awt.Component.
"""# GUI happens here
getTabCaption just returns the name of the tab.
getUiComponent returns the new tab.
This extension will not work because getUiComponent is returning nothing and
we get a NullPointerException error. Edit the skeleton then ctrl+click on
the checkbox in front of the extension in Burp's extender tab to reload it.
We start by creating a JPanel. JPanel is a container and can use layout
managers. We will use the BorderLayout.
We used the second constructor for JButton to set the label. We can also set
the fields here. The inherited actionListener field allows
us to do something when the button is clicked. To implement this interface we
need to create and assign the actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method.
from javax.swing import JPanel, JButton
from java.awt import BorderLayout
panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
# create buttonsdefbtn1Click(event):
"""What happens when button 1 is clicked."""# btn1.setText("Clicked")# this is more Jythonic(?) btn1.text ="Clicked"return btn1 = JButton("Button 1", actionPerformed=btn1Click)
# add buttons to the panel panel.add(btn1, BorderLayout.PAGE_START)
return panel
Button clicked
Passing an anonymous method like what we did is quick and works if the interface
is simple. We can create a separate module for our GUI and then create and pass
an object to getUiComponent.
from javax.swing import JPanel, JSplitPane, JLabel
from java.awt import BorderLayout
panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
# create splitpane - horizontal split spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT)
# create a label and put in the left pane spl.leftComponent = JLabel("left pane")
spl.rightComponent = JLabel("right pane")
# the above three instructions can be merged into one.# spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, JLabel("left pane"),# JLabel("right pane")) panel.add(spl)
return panel
The divider automagically resizes based on the items in the panes. In this case,
we have added two JLabels. We can move the divider manually.
Basic JSplitPane
Update 11 Oct 2019: JSplitPane has a method name setDividerLocation. This
method sets the divider. There are two variants of the method. One accepts an
int parameter which is the size of divider in pixels. This
can be set before the component is painted. The other one accepts a
double parameter and sets a percentage. This does not
work before the component is painted. If you set it, it has not effect.
We want the left pane to display a list of items. This is accomplished by adding
a JScrollPane to it.
The documentation (the link above) has a lot of text about a viewport and looks
complicated. But we just want to display a list of text in it. First, we add the
items to a JList. Then we pass it to the JScrollPane's
constructor: JScrollPane(Component view).
from javax.swing import (JPanel, JSplitPane, JLabel, JList,
JScrollPane, ListSelectionModel)
from java.awt import BorderLayout
panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
# create a list and then JList out of it. colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "pink",
"magenta", "gray","zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"]
list1 = JList(colors)
# set the selection mode to single items# ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION = 0 list1.selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
# create splitpane - horizontal split spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, JScrollPane(list1),
JLabel("right pane"))
return panel
JList Actions
We can do call a method after each item is selected in the scroll pane. Let's
add the selected item to the label in the right pane. We can do it by assigning
a method to the valueChanged method for the JList.
The preferred way to listen for changes in list selection is to add
ListSelectionListeners directly to the JList. JList then takes care of
listening to the selection model and notifying your listeners of change.
from javax.swing import (JPanel, JSplitPane, JLabel, JList,
JScrollPane, ListSelectionModel)
from java.awt import BorderLayout
panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
# create a list and then JList out of it. colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "pink",
"magenta", "gray","zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"]
"""Add the selected index to the label.""" label1.text +="-"+ colors[list1.selectedIndex]
# create a list and assign the valueChanged list1 = JList(colors, valueChanged=listSelect)
list1.selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
# create splitpane - horizontal split label1 = JLabel("right pane")
spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, JScrollPane(list1),
return panel
You might wonder why we are adding the selected item to the label instead of
modifying the label. It demonstrates the following gotcha.
Items is added to the label twice
Each selected item is added to the label twice. This means that valueChanged
is called twice. I found the answer on stackoverflow.
Long story short, when listening to the events, we need to check if
valueIsAdjusting is set to False. Java sets this to True when we are in a
series of changes that are considered part of a single change. More info:
We can change the the listSelect method as follows:
listSelect in
"""Add the selected index to the label. Called twice when
selecting the list item by mouse. So we need to use
getValueIsAdjusting inside.
"""ifnot event.getValueIsAdjusting():
label1.text +="-"+ colors[list1.selectedIndex]
Double add fixed
Instead of a label, we want to add two tabs to the right panel and reflect the
results to one of them. The main frame in Burp is also a type of
JTabbedPane. We are going to:
from javax.swing import (JPanel, JSplitPane, JList,
JScrollPane, ListSelectionModel, JLabel, JTabbedPane)
from java.awt import BorderLayout
panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
# create a list and then JList out of it. colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "pink",
"magenta", "gray","zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"]
ifnot event.getValueIsAdjusting():
label1.text +="-"+ colors[list1.selectedIndex]
# create a list and assign the valueChanged list1 = JList(colors, valueChanged=listSelect)
list1.selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
# create a JTabbedPane tabs = JTabbedPane()
# add labels to it label1 = JLabel()
label2 = JLabel()
tabs.addTab("Tab 1", label1)
tabs.addTab("Tab 2", label2)
# create splitpane - horizontal split spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, JScrollPane(list1),
return panel
JTabbedPane in action
Instead of using a label, we can use a JTextPane and load a
StyledDocument in it. We can add text (or other things
like images) with specific styles to the document.
The other tab will be a JEditorPane with
loaded. We need to change the listSelect method and add items to the
StyledDocument. This can be done with insertString (there are other methods
for different content).
from javax.swing import (JPanel, JSplitPane, JList, JTextPane,
JScrollPane, ListSelectionModel, JLabel, JTabbedPane, JEditorPane)
from java.awt import BorderLayout
panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
# create a list and then JList out of it. colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "pink",
"magenta", "gray","zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"]
ifnot event.getValueIsAdjusting():
doc1.insertString(0, colors[list1.selectedIndex] +"-", None)
# create a list and assign the valueChanged list1 = JList(colors, valueChanged=listSelect)
list1.selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
# create a StyledDocument.from javax.swing.text import DefaultStyledDocument
doc1 = DefaultStyledDocument()
# create a JTextPane from doc1 tab1 = JTextPane(doc1)
# create a JEditorPane for tab 2 tab2 = JEditorPane("")
# create the tabbedpane tabs = JTabbedPane()
tabs.addTab("Tab 1", tab1)
tabs.addTab("Tab 2", tab2)
# create splitpane - horizontal split spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, JScrollPane(list1),
return panel
The text is added to tab 1. We are inserting new text to the beginning.
Text added to the JEditorPane
The other tab shows in JEditorPane
Both tabs allow us to edit. To disable editing do tab2.editable = False (or
use tab2.setEditable(False) which is not Pythonic).
Custom Styles in StyledDocument
StyledDocument allows us to create new Styles and add
text/graphics/etc as we see fit. This works for a small amount of data.
Styles appear to be in a hierarchy where items further down in the styles tree
inherit items from their parents. Everything is a child of the
default style1.
Styles are added to the document with addStyle. The first
parameter is the name and the second is the parent style. Items are added with
insertString (or other inserts).
from javax.swing import (JPanel, JSplitPane, JList, JTextPane,
JScrollPane, ListSelectionModel, JLabel, JTabbedPane, JEditorPane)
from java.awt import BorderLayout
panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
# create a list and then JList out of it. colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "pink",
"magenta", "gray","zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"]
# create a list - the list is not used in this example list1 = JList(colors)
list1.selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
# create a StyledDocument for tab 1from javax.swing.text import DefaultStyledDocument
doc = DefaultStyledDocument()
# create a JTextPane from doc tab1 = JTextPane(doc)
tab1.editable =False# we can add more styles# new styles can be a child of previous styles# our first style is a child of the default stylefrom javax.swing.text import StyleContext, StyleConstants
defaultStyle = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE)
# returns a Style regular = doc.addStyle("regular", defaultStyle)
StyleConstants.setFontFamily(defaultStyle, "Times New Roman")
# make different styles from regular style1 = doc.addStyle("italic", regular)
StyleConstants.setItalic(style1, True)
style1 = doc.addStyle("bold", regular)
StyleConstants.setBold(style1, True)
style1 = doc.addStyle("small", regular)
StyleConstants.setFontSize(style1, 10)
style1 = doc.addStyle("large", regular)
StyleConstants.setFontSize(style1, 16)
# insert text doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is regular\n", doc.getStyle("regular"))
doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is italic\n", doc.getStyle("italic"))
doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is bold\n", doc.getStyle("bold"))
doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is small\n", doc.getStyle("small"))
doc.insertString(doc.length, "This is large\n", doc.getStyle("large"))
# create the tabbedpane tabs = JTabbedPane()
tabs.addTab("Tab 1", tab1)
# create splitpane - horizontal split spl = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, JScrollPane(list1),
return panel
Custom styles
What Did We Learn Here Today
We learned how to make Jython Swing GUIs by hand. There are things we did not
discuss like checkboxes and radio buttons but the same principle applies.
In the next part, we will see how we can leverage NetBeans (or other GUI
designers) to create interfaces. Then we will "translate" the code from Java to
Jython using the knowledge we acquired in this post. Knowing how things work
allows us to customize the controls to some extent and troubleshoot when things
go wrong.
I could be wrong about this but all examples do the same. ↩︎