Previous parts:
We have learned some good stuff. In this part I am going to talk about the original problem that led me to learning WinAppDbg. This is my writeup for challenge 3 "Greek to me" of FlareOn 2017. This is a bruteforce challenge and is rather easy but instead of bruteforcing it the conventional (and straightforward way), I will show how I traversed arbitrary Assembly blobs using WinAppDbg.
I will (hopefully) mostly talk about solving the challenge and not a lot of recon or other places I was stuck at.
Code is in my clone:
- Same Windows 7 32-bit VM from other parts.
- Get the binaries from this URL:
- Password is
- Solutions:
Run strings
on the binary. On Windows I have two favorites:
Running strings (from Sysinternals) we get:
: do not display banner.-o
: print the offset of the string (useful in case we want to use find the string in the file).
PS > .\SysinternalsSuite\strings.exe -o -nobanner .\3-GreektoMe\greek_to_me.exe
0077:!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
1584:Nope, that's not it.
1608:Congratulations! But wait, where's my flag?
is the Windows socket library. So network connectivity.
Here's some interesting but unrelated info that I found when searching for the DLL:
means the application has network connectivity. It's either trying to connect to a port on localhost or listening on some port.
To discover, run procmon or Wireshark:
- Procmon filters:
process name is greek_to_me.exe
.Operation is TCP/UDP Connect
- Wireshark:
- Capture Windows loopback traffic with
. -
- Capture Windows loopback traffic with
Nothing. So it's listening on localhost.
Run the app and use netstat -anb
in an Admin command prompt (needed for the b
Application is listening on port 2222
Short Analysis
The application is listening on port 2222
. When it receives data, it uses the first byte (and only the first byte) of our input as we see here:
.text:00401029 loc_401029: ; CODE XREF: sub_401008+1A
.text:00401029 mov ecx, offset loc_40107C
.text:0040102E add ecx, 79h
.text:00401031 mov eax, offset loc_40107C
.text:00401036 mov dl, [ebp+buf] ; first byte of input moved to dl
Now dl points to the first byte that we sent to the socket.
.text:00401039 loc_401039: ; CODE XREF: sub_401008+3D
.text:00401039 mov bl, [eax] ; bl = grab a byte from blob
.text:0040103B xor bl, dl ; bl = blob_byte xor our_first_byte
.text:0040103D add bl, 22h ; bl += 0x22
.text:00401040 mov [eax], bl ; *eax = bl
.text:00401042 inc eax ; eax++ (next char)
.text:00401043 cmp eax, ecx ; ecx is the address of the second section
.text:00401045 jl short loc_401039 ; check if we have reached the next section
It grabs some data (0x79
or 121 bytes to be exact) from 0x40107C
, XOR-es them with our first byte and then add 0x22
The data is some blob at offset loc_40107C
33 E1 C4 99 11 06 81 16 F0 32 9F C4 91 17 06 81
14 F0 06 81 15 F1 C4 91 1A 06 81 1B E2 06 81 18
F2 06 81 19 F1 06 81 1E F0 C4 99 1F C4 91 1C 06
81 1D E6 06 81 62 EF 06 81 63 F2 06 81 60 E3 C4
99 61 06 81 66 BC 06 81 67 E6 06 81 64 E8 06 81
65 9D 06 81 6A F2 C4 99 6B 06 81 68 A9 06 81 69
EF 06 81 6E EE 06 81 6F AE 06 81 6C E3 06 81 6D
EF 06 81 72 E9 06 81 73 7C

Then this modified blob (after XOR and add) is passed to sub_4011E6
and processed:
.text:00401047 mov eax, offset loc_40107C ; eax = *modified_blob
.text:0040104C mov [ebp+var_C], eax ; varC = eax
.text:0040104F push 79h ; length of modified_blob
.text:00401051 push [ebp+var_C]
.text:00401054 call sub_4011E6 ; sub_4011E6(*modified_blob, 0x79)
.text:00401059 pop ecx
.text:0040105A pop ecx
.text:0040105B movzx eax, ax
.text:0040105E cmp eax, 0FB5Eh ; compare return value with 0xFB5E
.text:00401063 jz short loc_40107C
.text:00401065 push 0 ; flags
.text:00401067 push 14h ; len
.text:00401069 push offset buf ; "Nope, that's not it."
.text:0040106E push [ebp+s] ; s
.text:00401071 call ds:send
.text:00401077 jmp loc_401107
Return value of the sub_4011E6
is compared with 0xFB5E
. If they do not match, jz
will not be taken and execution will continue. Application will send back Nope, that's not it.

Now here it gets interesting. If the results match, it will jump to the section which houses the blob we just modified and attempts to execute it as code. If the application does not crash and reaches the end, it will send back Congratulations!
In other words, our first byte is supposed to transform that blob into valid assembly opcodes.
Now we could solve this is in different ways. I think everyone solved it by opening a socket, sending 256 possible bytes and looking at the response. I think it's the way the challenge was meant to be solved.
Bruteforcing with WinAppDbg
I solved it a different way. Originally I went down the rabbit hole and tried to RE sub_4011E6
. That was a shit-show. Then I realized I can use WinAppDbg to bruteforce the "crypto" in-memory. We need to learn a bit more about WinAppDbg to reproduce it.
Breakpoints in WinAppDbg
WinAppDbg allows us to set breakpoints at arbitrary addresses:
When the breakpoint is hit, the action_callback
function is called. We have not seen this before but all of our hooking has been performed internally with these instructions.
More info:
Getting and Setting Memory
WinAppDbg allows us to save/restore memory and context.
- Get memory:
memory = process.take_memory_snapshot()
- Set memory:
process.restore_memory_snapshot(memory, bSkipMappedFiles=True)
- restore_memory_snapshot source
- In general, keep the
. Otherwise you will get memory address violations.
Getting and Setting Context
Context contains register and flag values. It's per thread (instead of per process like memory).
- Get context:
context = thread.get_context()
- get_context source
- Manipulate registers in context:
context["Edx"] = 0x1234
- Set context:
Note: After setting the context, we need to manually change the program counter to start execution at a specific location. For example if we grab the context, change Eip
to an address and set it, the program counter will not change. After setting the context, manually change the program counter to your desired address with thread.set_pc(address)
For both memory and context operations, make sure to suspend the process/thread first and resume it after the operation is done.
Battle Plan
Now that we have the building blocks, we need to device a battle plan. It's very straightforward.
- Run the application.
- Set breakpoints at
. - Open a socket and send any random byte.
- At breakpoint
:- If it's first_time:
- Save memory, context and blob at
- Save memory, context and blob at
context["Edx"] = key
- swap the key.- key++.
- Bypass the key assignment instruction and manually jump to
- If it's first_time:
- At breakpoint
:- If function return value is
, print key. - Else:
- Restore memory, context and blob at
(blob has been modified so it needs to be restored to the original bytes). - Go back to
- Restore memory, context and blob at
- If function return value is

It would have been easier to change the first byte of buf
instead of edx
and avoiding the jump labeled 2 in the picture.
Bruteforcing in Action
Code is in the repo and named
. You need to place greek_to_me.exe
in the same directory. It's not in the repo so you need to download it from the website.
That was pretty fast because our address space was only one byte (0x00 to 0xFF).
$ python
[21:23:48.0743] Starting simple_debugger
[21:23:48.0753] Started simple_debugger. Sleeping for 2 seconds.
[21:23:50.0756] Starting send_me.
[21:23:50.0875] Socket connected
[21:23:50.0875] Sent 0
Key: 0xa2
Eax: 0000FB5E
[21:23:54.0901] Reached 0x100
Run the application in a debugger, set a breakpoint at the "Congratulations!" instruction and send 0xA2
. The blob results in the correct instructions and we get the flag.
Some More Analysis - Optional Read
This part is optional but I had already written them during the challenge.
Start of the app:
public start
start proc near
call sub_401008
xor eax, eax
start endp
is called, then app returns 0 and exits.
Inside sub_401008
we see another subroutine sub_401121
. Before that a *buf
is pushed (as an argument) and is empty.
We can see the socket being constructed with WSAStartup:
lea eax, [ebp+WSAData]
push eax ; lpWSAData
push 202h ; wVersionRequested
call ds:WSAStartup
test eax, eax
jz short loc_401147
Then if WSAStartup
was successful we can see the port and other parameters being passed to socket
. IDA highlights a lot of them for us.
push esi
push edi
push 6 ; protocol
push 1 ; type
push 2
pop edi
push edi ; af
call ds:socket
mov esi, eax
cmp esi, 0FFFFFFFFh
jz short loc_4011D8
We can see socket here. And of course the arguments are pushed to the stack from right to left.
- af = 2 = AF_INET = IPv4
- type = 1 = SOCK_STREAM = TCP socket
- protocol = 6 = IPPROTO_TCP = TCP
The string
is being converted to an inet address with inet_addr.
push offset cp ; ""
mov [ebp+name.sa_family], di
call ds:inet_addr
Then port with htons.
push 8AEh ; hostshort
mov dword ptr [ebp+name.sa_data+2], eax
call ds:htons
"The htons function converts a u_short from host to TCP/IP network byte order (which is big-endian)."
Port number 0x8AE
is 2222
Then bind:
mov word ptr [ebp+name.sa_data], ax
lea eax, [ebp+name]
push 10h ; namelen
push eax ; name
push esi ; s
call ds:bind
"The bind function associates a local address with a socket."
After there is listen
, accept
and recv
but we already know what they do.
Finally we are listening on
Let's take a closer look at recv.
"The recv function receives data from a connected socket or a bound connectionless socket."
push 0 ; flags
push 4 ; len
push [ebp+buf] ; buf
push edi ; s
call ds:recv
test eax, eax
jle short loc_4011CA
from the parameter is going to be the pointer to the data received. recv
returns the number of bytes received (which going to be in eax).
If nothing was received, the jle
is successful and socket is closed.
Otherwise the function returns the number of received bytes.
The rest is explained above.
I think I am going to stop writing back-to-back blogs for a few days. I have had 0 off-time. But I am glad I learned WinAppDbg, it will help me a lot in my day job.
As usual if you have any suggestions or catch any errors, feel free to contact me.