In part one we talked about the basics of WinAppDbg. In this part we are going to learn a few new things:
- I wrote a simple python module to simplify my use of WinAppDbg. It will most likely be modified later, but I have included a version that works with the tutorials at:
- We do not need to type the full filename anymore if the executable is in PATH. Note Run Line (
) pulls stuff from more locations than PATH, so we cannot callchrome.exe
. I have written about it here.
- DLL enumeration: We're going to implement one of procmon's features.
- Process/Thread tracing: Another procmon feature.
- Function Hooking: It's very easy in WinAppDbg and we will learn how to do it a couple of different ways.
- We will hook pre-TLS encryption data for Internet Explorer and Firefox to hack the Gibson.
Copy this directory to your VM and let's go.
Moving forward, the main
function is not going to change. It is now re-written using WinAppUtil
but the functionality has not changed.
EventHandler Class
WinAppDbg uses callback methods for handling debugging events. In short, we can pass a class of type winappdbg.EventHandler
to the Debug
constructor at creation. When a certain event occurs during the execution, a method in the EventHandler class is called. Inside that method, we can write code that does something and "handle" that event.
Here's how we create and use such a class:
We can define quite a few events. Things like create_process
, create_thread
and exception
(useful for catching crashes and other errors). Mario enumerates and explains them in the docs much better than I can do.
We can also define custom breakpoints and handlers in this class (and outside). We will see how to use them later.
Like always, we can learn much by reading the source. The source for EventHandler is at
08 - Not Procmon - Enumerating Loaded Modules
You might have seen the procmon filter load image
that lists DLLs loaded by the process. We can even grab a handle to the Process Environment Block and read them from the linked-list in PEB_LDR_DATA. We can do it with WinAppDbg using the load_dll
The event
object is passed to the method when a DLL is loaded. First we get the module
object. It contains information about the DLL that is being loaded. For all module methods see
Let's look at the output for calc.exe
$ python -r calc.exe
[21:25:51.0894] Starting calc
Loaded DLL:
Name: ntdll
Filename: ntdll.dll
Base Addr: 0x77ca0000
<FileHandle: 276>
Loaded DLL:
Name: kernel32
Filename: C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
Base Addr: 0x75ee0000
<FileHandle: 280>
Loaded DLL:
Name: kernelbase
Filename: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
Base Addr: 0x75bd0000
<FileHandle: 284>
Loaded DLL:
Name: shell32
Filename: C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll
Base Addr: 0x76970000
<FileHandle: 288>
Loaded DLL:
Name: msvcrt
Filename: C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
Base Addr: 0x76130000
<FileHandle: 292>
Loaded DLL:
Name: shlwapi
Filename: C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
Base Addr: 0x76910000
<FileHandle: 296>
Loaded DLL:
Name: gdi32
Filename: C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll
Base Addr: 0x764e0000
<FileHandle: 300>
Loaded DLL:
Name: user32
Filename: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll
Base Addr: 0x778f0000
<FileHandle: 304>
Who knew calculator loads all these modules.
Procmon with the following filters shows we got the right info:
Process Name is calc.exe
Operation is Load Image

If the image looks small, right click and open in a new tab.
get_size() and get_entry_point() Invalid Handle Errors
Not all module
methods work, for example get_size
and get_entry_point
do not. Uncomment the line for calling get_size()
in our code to get this error:
$ python -r calc.exe
[17:39:20.0900] Starting calc.exe
Loaded DLL:
Name: ntdll
Filename: ntdll.dll
Base Addr: 0x77ca0000
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\winappdbg\ RuntimeWarning: Cannot get
size and entry point of module ntdll, reason: The handle is invalid.
% (self.get_name(), e.strerror), RuntimeWarning)
At this point I am not exactly sure why we get this error. I dug around and found some really interesting things about how module are loaded on Windows. In short, WinAppDbg uses GetModuleInformation and according to the MSDN article it cannot get info on files "that were loaded with the LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE
flag." We can see it in get_size() source (scroll down to line 280 to see GetModuleInformation
called) and winappdbg.win32.GetModuleInformation.
However I found this MSDN blog entry by Raymond Chen1 where he explains why we get an invalid handle error when calling GetModuleFileNameEx. Because the module has not been executed(??) yet, there's almost nothing at the location that the handle is pointing to (that's my understanding but I could be wrong). I think we are facing the same issue here, because load_dll
is called right before DLL is loaded. This is something I need to look at later.
09 - Not Procmon - Tracing Processes and Threads
We can also trace processes and threads. This code implements this procmon functionality:
We have created four callback methods in the EventHandler class. They trace creation and termination of processes/threads.
$ python -r calc.exe
[21:35:09.0727] Starting calc.exe
[21:35:09.0727] CreateProcess 3720 - C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
[21:35:09.0788] CreateThread 1688 - None
[21:35:09.0798] CreateThread 2344 - None
[21:35:12.0289] ExitThread 1688 - None
[21:35:12.0289] ExitThread 2344 - None
[21:35:12.0299] ExitProcess 3720 - C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
Procmon can display the same info using these five filters:
Process Name is calc.exe
Operation is Process Start
Operation is Process Exit
Operation is Thread Create
Operation is Thread Exit

10 - Basic Hooking with debug.hook_function()
Enough with things we can already do with other tools. Let's hook functions. Hooking functions is pretty useful. For example they can leak AES keys and tons of other useful information.
Unfortunately we do not have ltrace
on Windows but we can hook functions pretty easily with WinAppDbg in a few ways.
In this example we are going to hook the CreateFile Windows API calls from kernel32
for calc
and notepad
That's quite a lot of code but it's mostly boilerplate. Let's break it down.
First we are importing some symbols from winappdbg.win32
. We will use them in a bit. We can see all of these symbols in
Inside dll_load
, we check if we are loading kernel32.dll
. If so, we call module.resolve() for CreateFileA
and CreateFileW
. These return the address for exported functions in the target process2. A is the ANSI and W (Wide) is the UTF-16 version of the CreateFile
Function Signatures
Then we create a signature for each hooked function. The signature is like a function prototype from C/C++. It tells WinAppDbg the type and number of arguments for each function.
This is CreateFile
_In_ LPCTSTR lpFileName,
_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
_In_ DWORD dwShareMode,
_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
_In_ DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
_In_ DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
_In_opt_ HANDLE hTemplateFile
So our signature for both CreateFile
. Hungarian notation rocks!
When creating signatures, use PVOID for all pointers. Otherwise according to the docs, ctypes become too helpful and ruin everything by trying "to access the memory pointed to by them... and crash[ing], since those pointers only work in the debugged process..)".
Next we hook each function using event.debug.hook_function like this5:
event.debug.hook_function(pid, address_CreateFileW,
is the current process ID. We are passingevent.get_pid()
is theCreateFileW
function address in process memory.preCB
is name of the pre-execution callback function for this breakpoint. This function could be anywhere.postCB
is called when the hooked function returns.signature
is the signature we just created.- Instead of
we can passparamCount
which is just an int containing the number of parameters (starting from 1) which is7
here.- According to source code, using signature is better for cross-platform functionality.
is used to retrieve items from stack and read dwords in 32-bit processes. This might pose some issues for 64-bit processes because first four parameters are stored in registers and pointers are qwords (64-bits) on Windows 64-bit6.
- According to source code, using signature is better for cross-platform functionality.
Pre Callback Functions
Next is pre_CreateFileW
. The first two arguments for each callback function are always event
and ra
(return address) and self
if needed.
First we suspend the process and log some text to indicate we are inside the function.
Now we can read each argument. We are interested in lpFileName
which is a long pointer to a UTF-16 string (lpsz == long pointer to null-terminated [zeroed] string). WinAppDbg comes with a lot of methods for reading and writing process memory. In this case we want to read a UTF-16 string so we call process.peek_string(lpFileName, fUnicode=True)
. In the ANSI version we do the same but with fUnicode=False
After printing lpFileName
, we resume the process and the callback function returns.
Post Callback Functions
Post callback functions are similar to pre ones. They only have two arguments ([self], event, retval)
. They are called just after the function returns and allow us to manipulate return values.
Hooking in Action
Now we can run it on calc
and see the results:
$ python -r calc
[00:12:15.0736] Starting calc
[00:12:15.0796] Hit kernel32!CreateFileW
[00:12:15.0796] lpFilename: C:\Windows\Fonts\staticcache.dat
[00:12:15.0796] Leaving kernel32!CreateFileW
[00:12:15.0796] Return value: c4
And in procmon with these filters:
Process Name is calc.exe
Operation is ReadFile
- If you have enabled
Filter (menu) > Enable Advanced Output
instead ofReadFile
- If you have enabled

I am not going to post the notepad
output here. Run the script with -r notepad
and you will see a wall of text when you open a common file dialog to open a file or save.
For a similar example in the docs, see example 12 - hooking a function.
11 - Easier Hooking via apiHooks
That was fun but we wrote a lot of boilerplate code. WinAppDbg offers a better way to hook functions through apiHooks
This looks much easier and more straightforward (of course I am biased).
Inside our EventHandler class we create a dictionary named apiHooks
. DLL name is key and hooked functions (and their signatures) are values. I am hooking functions from one DLL it's possible to add multiple DLLs/functions quickly.
apiHooks = {
# Hooks for the kernel32 library.
'kernel32.dll': [
# We have seen these before
# Function Signature
# Can also pass parameter count
# ('CreateFileA', 6),
# ('CreateFileW', 6),
We can also pass parameter count instead of signature. I personally prefer signature because it's easier to keep track of argument types.
Then for each hooked functions we create two methods name pre
and post
like before (note method names are non-negotiable so don't go creative here).
apiHooks in Action
And it works.
$ python -r calc
[00:54:01.0164] Starting calc
[00:54:01.0213] pre_CreateFileW opening file C:\Windows\Fonts\staticcache.dat
[00:54:01.0213] Return value: c4
For a similar example in docs see example 9: intercepting-api-calls.

Moving forward we will be using this method for hooking.
12 - Not Echo Mirage - Hooking IE - Part 1
Echo Mirage was an application that used function hooking to view and modify pre-encryption/pre-TLS traffic. Good luck finding a clean version of it :D. We are going to hook IE using WinAppDbg to just view payloads.
What to Hook?
We learn from malware. They are the best. In this article titled Analyzing a form-grabber malware, there's a table that contains what this malware hooks7. This is the part we are interested in.
Browser | DLL | Function |
iexplore.exe | Wininet.dll | HttpSendRequestW/A |
firefox.exe | nspr4.dll | PR_Write |
For IE we need to hook HttpSendRequestW
(not going to bother with the Ansi version on Win 7). According to MSDN it looks like this:
BOOL HttpSendRequest(
_In_ HINTERNET hRequest,
_In_ LPCTSTR lpszHeaders,
_In_ DWORD dwHeadersLength,
_In_ LPVOID lpOptional,
_In_ DWORD dwOptionalLength
We want to log the lpOptional
parameter because it contains the POST
and PUT
payloads and most likely passwords (which this malware is interested in) are submitted via POST
Our code looks simple thanks to the apiHooks
In pre_HttpSendRequestW
we are reading lpszHeaders
and lpOptional
(both are not Unicode) and print them.
Hooking IE
Run IE (note it's not in PATH so you have to enter the full path) and go around the web, see headers (no cookies) and the occasional POST
request (mostly ads). To see a POST
request in action, head over to pastebin and submit a new paste:
$ python -r "c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
[01:50:02.0115] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[01:50:02.0115] HttpSendRequestW
[01:50:02.0115] Headers Referer:
Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7e16a21104fe
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
[01:50:02.0115] Optional -----------------------------7e16a21104fe
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="csrf_token_post"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit_hidden"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="paste_code"
Random text in pastebin
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="paste_format"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="paste_expire_date"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="paste_private"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="paste_name"
This is nice but we do not see where the data is sent or any GET requests.
13 - Not Echo Mirage - Hooking IE - Part 2
To gather more information we need to hook more functions.
The first parameter for HttpSendRequest
is a handle to a request. This request is returned by a call to HttpOpenRequest:
HINTERNET HttpOpenRequest(
_In_ HINTERNET hConnect,
_In_ LPCTSTR lpszVerb,
_In_ LPCTSTR lpszObjectName,
_In_ LPCTSTR lpszVersion,
_In_ LPCTSTR lpszReferer,
_In_ LPCTSTR *lplpszAcceptTypes,
_In_ DWORD dwFlags,
_In_ DWORD_PTR dwContext
Interesting parameters are:
: *str to HTTP verb. If NULL, verb isGET
: *str to name of target obj. "This is generally a file name, an executable module, or a search specifier."lpszReferer
: *str to referer (we already seen it inHttpSendRequest.lpszHeaders
Hooking more IE
Let's see what we can get this time (and if we need to dig further). Note I have removed a lot of junk from the output.
Here's what we GET
$ python -r "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
[08:49:34.0502] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:49:36.0494] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:49:36.0494] HttpOpenRequestW
[08:49:36.0494] verb: GET
[08:49:36.0494] obj : /
[08:49:36.0494] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:49:36.0505] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:49:36.0505] HttpSendRequestW
[08:49:36.0505] Headers Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Similar for
(today is veterans' day hence the requests to get the logo):
[08:50:57.0878] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0217] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0217] HttpOpenRequestW
[08:50:58.0217] verb: GET
[08:50:58.0217] obj : /
[08:50:58.0217] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0217] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0217] HttpSendRequestW
[08:50:58.0217] Headers Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
[08:50:58.0479] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0479] HttpOpenRequestW
[08:50:58.0479] verb: GET
[08:50:58.0479] obj : /logos/doodles/2017/veterans-day-2017-5171750613549056-s.png
[08:50:58.0479] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0489] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0489] HttpSendRequestW
[08:50:58.0489] Headers Referer:
Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
[08:50:58.0489] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0489] HttpOpenRequestW
[08:50:58.0489] verb: GET
[08:50:58.0489] obj : /logos/doodles/2017/veterans-day-2017-5171750613549056-l.png
[08:50:58.0489] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0489] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0489] HttpSendRequestW
[08:50:58.0489] Headers Referer:
Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
[08:50:58.0499] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0499] HttpOpenRequestW
[08:50:58.0499] verb: GET
[08:50:58.0499] obj : /images/icons/hpcg/usflag-transbg_42.png
[08:50:58.0499] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0499] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[08:50:58.0499] HttpSendRequestW
[08:50:58.0499] Headers Referer:
Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
We are not getting everything. That means we need to hook more functions.
At this point I am moving on to a different program because the three people that will read this blog are already bored. ahem I will leave the rest of IE stuff as an exercise for the readers. Academia, amirite fellow intellectuals?
Here in my university ivory tower, just published this new paper here. It's fun to look myself up on Google Scholar. But you know what I like more than being cited? KNOWLEDGE.
14 - Not Echo Mirage - Firefox
The other item in that malware hooking table (well part of the table that I copied) is Firefox.
PR_Write (in Rust)
Hooking pre-TLS Firefox encryption is trickier because it does not use Windows APIs. In Firefox it's PR_Write:
PRInt32 PR_Write(
PRFileDesc *fd,
const void *buf,
PRInt32 amount);
fd: A pointer to the PRFileDesc object for a file or socket
buf: A pointer to the buffer holding the data to be written
amount: The amount of data, in bytes, to be written from the buffer
Could not talk about Firefox, PR_Write
and not make a "Re-write in Rust"8 joke. Maybe we should hook Chrome and talk about generics.
Where is PR_Write?
Tl;dr it's exported in nss3.dll
The Mozilla docs are less helpful than MSDN. MSDN lists the DLL that exports the function but Mozilla does not. Searching in MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) got me nowhere.
That malware table listed it under nspr4.dll
and search engine results also mostly say the same thing. Grey Hat Python also lists it in the same DLL. In my Firefox (32-bit 56.0.2) there's no such DLL in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
We finally get to Hooking Firefox with Frida from which is doing exactly what we do but with Frida10. Ew, JavaScript code embedded in Python (j/k). Our answer is there nss3.dll
Null-Terminated Strings vs. Random Buffer
Pointers in PR_Write
point to different kind of data than what we saw in IE. In IE we were mostly dealing with pointers to null-terminated strings. Meaning we could call peek_string
and it would go and read until the null-terminator (which is 00 00
for UTF-1611). Now we have a random buffer but we have the length so we have to go and read that many bytes from memory directly. It's good to see both types of string/data storage in action12.
Things are similar but as we saw above, the buffer might contain null-bytes (e.g. binary data vs. null-terminated strings). So we use
to read amount
bytes from the place buf
points to. Then we convert it to string and print it.
Firefox in Action
Before you run this, beware that PR_Write
is used in a lot more than just TLS in Firefox. This will be slow and Firefox might be unresponsive for a minute after you go to a website. The logs will also gather a lot of garbage. As a result I am only printing buffers that are between 100 and 1000 bytes.
I suggest piping the output to a file instead of command prompt with the -o
switch like this:
$ python -r "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -o firefox-1.txt
After starting Firefox and entering
, Firefox will die for a minute or so. But loot is inside the log file. If you do webapps, you have seen the annoying captive portal detection requests
in Burp. I hate those and Brian King agrees and has some tips on how to make them go away.
[09:23:41.0933] Starting C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
[09:23:42.0835] PR_Write
[09:23:42.0835] GET /success.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: keep-alive
Oh shit, OCSP13. Alert the authorities, certificates are expiring.
[09:23:43.0467] PR_Write
[09:23:43.0467] POST /ocsp HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 75
Content-Type: application/ocsp-request
Connection: keep-alive
[payload removed]
Mooooom, Firefox is tracking me.
[09:23:44.0049] PR_Write
[09:23:44.0049] GET /v1/country?key=fff72d56-b040-4205-9a11-82feda9d83a3 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Origin: null
Connection: keep-alive
And finally our request to
[09:24:25.0388] PR_Write
[09:24:25.0388] GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
If-Modified-Since: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 23:54:35 GMT
If-None-Match: "359670651"
I wanted to continue but this blog is already long enough. The markdown file is at 45KBs and counting (mainly because I pasted a lot of code, crap and went full-academia with links and footnotes). But I am bored and you are most likely too.
Go out there and hook stuff. Practice on eavesdropping and tune in for part 3 where we learn how to manipulate function arguments and return values.
If you have feedback, you know where to find me. And check out the rest of the clone, there's some good stuff there.
Raymond's blog, The Old New Thing has interesting articles. ↩︎
On a 32-bit machine we will most likely get an address starting with
which is in DLL-land. ↩︎Looks much better with
highlighting. ↩︎We are essentially putting a breakpoint for each function at the addresses we just resolved. ↩︎
In 64-bit processes, first four arguments are stored in
and the rest are pushed to the stack (in reverse order) like 32-bit functions. ↩︎The heading does not have an anchor so I had to link to the first table row. Generate IDs for all your headings people. ↩︎
F E A R L E S S - C O N C U R R E N C Y ↩︎
Remember we are in a 32-bit VM so we have only one
Program Files
not two like x64 Windows that also haveProgram Files (x86)
for 32-bit emulation. ↩︎Yet another TODO. Try Frida vs. WinAppDbg in terms of performance. ↩︎
That is another fun exercise. Read UTF-16 null-terminated strings from memory and see how they are stored. ↩︎
For more information, search for C-style vs. Pascal-style strings. ↩︎
Not to be confused with the current infosec meme-cert. ↩︎